Hello Earth bugs, We left this month's My Earthquake post right until the very end, but hey it's snowing outside so you can cosy on up and have a cuppa. I do feel like the title sounds a bit like on I'm a Celebrity and telling them who is going to do the Bush Tucker trials, but I assure you I'm not. Let's just crack on, eh... Here we have February's My Earthquake post, you may not be familiar to this segment of my little internet space then it's basically me attempting to make a difference here and make someone happy there and this is only my second post. If you'd like to read my January post which is about the Chesterfield Shoebox Appeal then you can clickedy-click here and away we go. For February I'm not focusing on any individual or any group but it could be about you. Now this may seem a bit of a cop out but I decided that I'd like to do a post where I encourage people to help. Therefore, this post is dedicated to anyone who wants to...