Hey Earthbugs! You may or may not know this, but I have just finished my first year of university and I am a commuter. I thought I'd put together some tips for making the commute a bit easier, some of these can come in handy for all students though. I hope you find some of these helpful! Get a backpack Honestly, when I was younger I was obsessed with the idea of having this style of a flimsy bag that looks good and is not practical in the slightest. As a result of this, I had to carry several other bags that obviously had to be Hollister or something equally as cool, so days in year 7 when you had PE and food technology?! You know the struggle. Admittedly this was the time that I heavily cared about what people thought of me so had to fit in with everyone else so backpacks were a no go. When I was getting ready to start uni I just wanted a big enough bag to throw everything in, whack on my back and go. They can fit everything in, even the kitchen sink, and y...