Hi Earthbugs, Today isn't as much of a cheery post as I would usually write but it is an important post that I think is very relevant as October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. I have thought about posting this and then changed my mind and then considered it and here it is. A thing to remember is that domestic violence isn't just physical abuse, it comes in many forms of abuse including emotional abuse. That is what today's post is about, about a friend of mine who experienced emotional abuse at a young age. She was fifteen and in a relationship with a boy in her year at school, at fifteen it was nothing serious. At fifteen she was enjoying secondary school, with the laughs and jokes that summer bought and how teachers started being a bit more chill and lenient with work. A couple of months down the line, my friend was told that her boyfriend didn't like the idea of her having males as friends. So she distanced herself from her friends, she didn't want...