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Showing posts from November, 2018

Life of Lia Update

Hey Earthbugs, For what feels like the billionth time I have returned from an impromptu break from blogging that I definitely wasn’t planning or wanted but it happened. During this break I have thought a lot about ideas for blog posts, some of which are nestled away in my mind and some that floated away, and I’ve been really motivated to do them but I haven’t had the chance to sit down properly (as I am now, tucked up cosy, in my bed, in my Christmas pyjamas) and if you’ve been around for my other blog breaks you’ll know that I’m not one for writing a post really quickly and half-heartedly and posting it and I didn’t want to start now. Hence, the absence. However, I would like to say a huge thank you to the love and support I received as a result of the last post I did which was the Domestic Violence awareness one, it was a huge thing for me to publish and I’m very glad I did. So, thank you! Right, so now that’s all out the way. Welcome back! Let’s sit down and have a cuppa o...