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Showing posts from April, 2015

Dear Future Self

Good morning, It isn't morning, but hey-ho.  This blog will be a letter to my future self, so it probably won't be very interesting. But let's go with it and 'YOLO' it as the youth of today say. The inspiration from this post is from the dearest Katie, hey there, I think it's a lovely idea to write a letter now as a naive 16 year old and look back on it at a later date and see what has changed. Hmm, a 10 year gap is a bit much so I think I shall stick with 5 years which will make me 21.  Dear 21 year old Lia, I'd start with the casual how are you, but there's more that I want to know so I shall just start with some basic questions. Do you still drink tea like an old woman does, or have you moved onto something stronger? Do you still have karaoke sessions via Snapchat with Ailish and Katie? (or does Snapchat not exist anymore?) Are oatmeal and raisin cookies still the greatest thing to grace this planet? Does Taylor Swift still 'shake it off...

Lia and Fitness?

Good morning/afternoon/evening, This is just a little blog update to let my 3 reading humans know that I am in fact still alive even though I am proving to be terrible at writing a blog. Recently though, I have been very inspired for current projects, future projects and working on my own happiness. The current thing stopping me start a few of these projects is the fact that in less than a month my GCSE exams start, and in case any new people do read this and have already done GCSEs and know that really compared to other 'stuff' in life GCSEs aren't really a big deal - I already agree with you however I want to pass sooo projects must wait! I am one of those people who have never been comfortable in my own skin, I always feel self-conscious in tight fitting clothes and would much rather wear a baggy t-shirt that is 4 sizes too big for me however I have decided that this summer I want to feel comfortable in shorts and a crop top. I want to see photographs of me having f...