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Dear Future Self

Good morning,
It isn't morning, but hey-ho. 
This blog will be a letter to my future self, so it probably won't be very interesting. But let's go with it and 'YOLO' it as the youth of today say. The inspiration from this post is from the dearest Katie, hey there, I think it's a lovely idea to write a letter now as a naive 16 year old and look back on it at a later date and see what has changed. Hmm, a 10 year gap is a bit much so I think I shall stick with 5 years which will make me 21. 

Dear 21 year old Lia,
I'd start with the casual how are you, but there's more that I want to know so I shall just start with some basic questions. Do you still drink tea like an old woman does, or have you moved onto something stronger? Do you still have karaoke sessions via Snapchat with Ailish and Katie? (or does Snapchat not exist anymore?) Are oatmeal and raisin cookies still the greatest thing to grace this planet? Does Taylor Swift still 'shake it off'? (haters gonna hate, hate, hate) Do you still agree that you would go to extreme cases so you can see Arctic Monkeys live? Have you seen Lion King yet? Are you still absolutely terrified of moths, bees and most cats? 

Okay, moving onto the bigger picture now. How did A-Levels go? 16 year old you is currently revising for GCSE's and counting down to the last day at school. Did you stick with the three A-Levels you originally chose or did you change your mind? In case you forgot, the three were English Language, English Literature and Psychology. Swiftly helps to move onto my next question, are you in university? Did you decide against university or are you there? If you are, are you studying journalism? Or did you change your mind? Right now, journalism is what you have your heart set on and nothing is changing your mind. 

Is driving as amazing as you imagined it to be? 16 year old cannot wait to drive, she's basically counting down the days. Do you still want a Range Rover and a Porsche? The one thing you want to do when you pass your test is go on a really long car journey and have Arctic Monkeys on full blast (sorry Mum), have you done that? If the answer to that is no then stop reading right here and go and do it. 

Is your horoscope still very accurate? 

Are you confident with your appearance and who you are? Right now you aren't but you're making steps to change (I'm sure steps to change is a debt thing...) I hope that because you've gained more life experience now you have taken more opportunities and at least done some travelling by now. That's one of the main goals that 16 year old you has, to travel a lot and meet new people and have new experiences. I hope you do that, if you don't I shall be very disappointed and find a new human to live inside of. 

Have you moved out yet? If so, do you still have loads of mugs? Currently, your mum has banned you from buying more mugs because we have nowhere to put them which makes you very sad because you love mugs. Also, do you have pictures, quotes and candles all around your house/apartment? I imagine you do because that is currently what your room looks like. Did you ever manage to get out of bed straight away? Or do you still click snooze 47286 times? 

16 year old you would love to see more of her family a lot more often. Have you done that yet? Don't waste opportunities. Go and see them, get to know your family that don't live close by. Make memories!

One last thing I can think of, did your Instagram ever get less selfie-ish? It's currently selfie after selfie. 

I hope you have ticked some things off your bucket list and I hope you haven't completely messed up your life already. 

Lots of love,
16 year old Lia x

I shall hopefully be posting another update on Sunday, soooo goodbye Earthlings x


  1. Dear 21 year old Lia,
    don't stop karaoke snapchatting Ailish! who else will she karaoke with when she is 22? (Cue Tay Tay Swizzle song)
    love 17 year old Ailish


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