Hello Earthlings, MASSIVE DELAY IN POSTING THIS I AM TERRIBLY SORRY. I would like to inform you that I have been organised, for once, as this is being typed whilst on the train from St Pancras to Chesterfield on Thursday. First class with complimentary cups of tea, this is basically heaven (free cups of tea?!) anyway you honestly have no idea how official I feel. Everyone around me is tapping away on a laptop etc doing important things and look at me, blending in with them all being all official. I like it. For a while my mum and I had this trip to London planned, go down on the Wednesday and come back on the Thursday. It wasn't really for a specific purpose, just to see London and be tourists. I loved the thought of walking around London, because you only ever see the big sightseeing destinations on TV but I actually walked near them. I'll get to all that soon though, it turns out that my mum booked for us to go and see Mamma Mia at The Novello theatre as a surprise....