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Weekly Ramble #5

Hello Earthlings,

Would you look at this, 5 weeks into the Weekly Rambles and I am still keeping them up to date. I honestly have no idea how this is happening because I'd usually just forget. But no, it is now part of my Sunday routine. Come on, let's have a little dance party - it's deserved. Get some Spice Girls on and away you go! It doesn't have to be the Spice Girls...I just feel like that is an appropriate theme song for this mini achievement. I don't know where I'm going with this, I'm going to stop now.

On Monday, I had my induction for sixth form and not going to lie I was absolutely terrified The thought of going to a new school and leaving everything I've always known behind was very daunting. The Monday morning traffic did not help in the slightest and I only just made it in time, which for me just added stress because I like to arrive at least ten minutes early for something but hey ho. It also felt weird because for the past couple of years I've watched TV shows like Skins and the Inbetweeners and because I was only 14, I watched them and thought 'wow, they are so much older than I am'. But at the beginning of these shows, they were all starting sixth form/college and I am now the same age as the characters in those shows and that is such a weird thing for me. In the end though there was no need to be terrified and it turned out to be quite a good day actually.

Nice little paragraph about the weather for you now, okay so in Britain it rains. All year round. Rain. Rain. More rain. But this week, we have had what the news readers have been calling a 'heat wave', which in British terms translates to 'it was hot for like two days and then continued raining' but for those two days it was very hot. I think on one of the days it got to 33 degrees in Chesterfield, which is considered tropical. Of course though, us British lot complained about the heat, as we complain about everything. We say we want the hot weather and the sunshine and then we complain about the hot weather and the sunshine, really there is no pleasing us. Moving swiftly on from the sunshine and Britain's two day summer, thunderstorms. I know in some places it wasn't very bad but I'd say where I live it was pretty horrible. Normally, I love thunder and lightning but when my room lit up at 3am on Saturday morning I wasn't particularly amused. I may or may not have spent the next hour and a half singing the Thunder Buddy song to myself - okay, I did (don't judge me okay, I was scared). The thunder was so loud it honestly sounded like it was right outside my window and the lightning fully lit my room up through my curtains. It was horrible. So many people slept straight through it, me on the other hand woke up at 3am and managed to get back to sleep once it had stopped around 4am...not ideally how I wanted to spend the early hours of Saturday morning. Also, got caught in a mini thunderstorm (the ones I like) running into Staples in Sheffield with my Mum this afternoon. I honestly do not know what is going on with this British weather. Shocking.

This week seems to have gone really slowly, not in a bad 'oh, this week has dragged' kind of way. More of a, it feels like about 3 weeks has passed in this one week. I kind of like that, I don't like it when I feel like I've wasted a week or something because at the end of the day, you won't ever get that day back and you could have done something productive in that day. I can't believe it is July already, I feel like I've blinked and missed the first six months of 2015, I remember New Year's Eve and taking the 'first selfie of 2015' with my Dad in matching minion onesies (we are a cool family, okay), like it was yesterday. We are in the second half of the year, goodness me.

As we all know, I don't like posting a blog post without adding a picture. So this weeks picture is going to be a picture from this evening, just before I typed all this actually, it is a selfie of Katie and myself (she gets mentioned far too much in this blog) from being at hers for a BBQ with my second family. In other words, I just show up and eat their food but still. I like to call this selfie the 'my face isn't cooperating today so I'm going to do a cool kid pose and put my hand over it' pose.

Have a lovely week humans :) 
Until next time, goodbye x 


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