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Top Hats, Mamma Mia and Getting Lost?

Hey, hey, hey,

As I look in my fancy 2016 planner it tells me that today's blog post should be a recipe post and I had full intentions of doing that. I even baked a fancy cake yesterday to make it all fab and official but let's just say that the cake did not want to co-operate. It had nothing to do with the fact that I may have put the oven on slightly too hot, nearly forgot to add the eggs and compromised some ingredients that I forgot to get on my trip to Tesco's...but other than that it went fine, the cake just didn't want to be nice and proceeded to burn until it resembled a big lump of charcoal. So, yes I can admit that I am nearly 17 years old and I cannot bake a cake.

So I decided to do a reflection on when I went to London with my Mum last year, we had decided to go just to be tourists because I hadn't seen anything like Buckingham Palace apart from on the television which was kind of sad because I have lived in England all my life. Anyway, about a week before we went my Mum told me that we weren't just going to London to be tourists, we were going to see Mamma Mia whilst we were there. Anyone who knows me quite well will know that Mamma Mia is one of my all time favourite films so I was pretty ecstatic. I'm not going to go into excruciating detail about everything I did/saw whilst in London because I would be here for a while so here is a brief overview of my trip to London.

Fast forward a week and there we are, sat on a train in first class to be precise with free food (!!!!) on our way to London St Pancras and it was on this day I learnt that it was St Pancras and not St Pancreas. Blonde moments aside, I was fascinated when we arrived in London as I hadn't ever seen anything like it. One thing I particularly loved were the pianos, and how anyone could go and play them, I could've just sat there all day and listened to them but then I wouldn't have been a typical tourist. I hope this isn't making me sound like I was going mad with "I love the UK" t-shirts, trousers and a hat because I wasn't but hey ho, next time I definitely will. When it came to getting us from A to B we quickly learnt that I was Queen of the Tube and was pretty pro, so we did all the sight seeing stuffs and saw everything that you usually see on the news and it was all pretty impressive. Of course, when we got to the Houses of Parliament I did have to take a picture of the sign because Lia is in the middle of Parliament so yanno, claim to fame. Whilst on the name topic, we went to Starbucks (if you aren't a frequent Starbucks go-er; they write your name on your cup obviously to make things easier when you're stood at the end pondering over which drink is yours) so they asked for my name and usually it is always wrong (Leah, Lisa and Leigha are some examples) but the woman got it right without asking me how to spell it. I was amazed. At that moment I knew I needed to visit London more often.

After Starbucks, we decided it was time to find the hotel and freshen up a bit before the show. We stayed in The Cumberland Hotel, which was near to Marble Arch, Hyde Park and just off Oxford Street. When we got there, there were men with top hats letting us in and clearly not many people were fascinated but me being me thought this was incredible and then I quickly discovered that the reception was at least 4 times bigger than the floor plan of my entire house. Yes, to you reading this it may not surprise you but I don't get out much. When we eventually found our room I decided to make a bit of an effort, after all it isn't everyday you go to the theatre in London (well it isn't when you live in Chesterfield). Another fascinating thing about the hotel was that there was a man pushing a trolley thing with people's bags on it and it was like Esteban off The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and that just topped my childhood off.

MAMMA MIA! Every minute, second, nanosecond of this was perfect. I am not even ashamed to say that when the music started I cried. Real tears. I 10000000000% recommend going to see Mamma Mia to anyone (it doesn't have to be Mamma Mia but still, get yourself to a show - I also saw Cats in Blackpool later that year and that was incredible too). I even got my Nana a mug whilst there because I first watched Mamma Mia with her, we're basically in a fan club now. For a girl who can talk for England, anyone in my family could vouch for that, I can't put into words how amazing it was to see Mamma Mia live. I would definitely go again.

Now for a lovely fun story that wasn't really fun at all when it happened. Whilst waiting for Mamma Mia to start I decided it would be a good idea to see how far away the theatre was from the hotel and Siri informed me that it wasn't far away at all so I suggested that instead of getting a taxi back we could just walk because it would be so much quicker. Yet somewhere in the process of this walking and following Siri's directions we ended up very, very, very lost. I like to say now that I just took us the scenic route back and my Mum's response is always something along the lines of "yes, it would have been nice to see it when it is daylight though". It was actually quite scary, we gave up following Siri's route as we ended up in a very dark place that today I still couldn't tell you where we were. Some of the places we ended up were quite pretty and all lit up but the dark places always seemed to have shifty people and did not look fun, especially when a lot of people probably guessed that we had no idea where the hell we were. Thankfully though we managed to follow the street maps and ended up back on Oxford Street which was all lit up and there were loads of people and it seemed easy from there. The one thing I hated about London though, was that there were so many homeless people sleeping on cardboard boxes and it was horrible to see.

The day after was departure day so we did a last bit of exploring and I made my mind up whilst sat waiting for the train home that I want to visit London as often as I can.

If you managed to read as far as this thank you very much and I hope you're having a lovely  week :)

Until next time,
Lia x

P.S. Of course there is a picture to go with this post!


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