Firstly I would like to apologise because recently whenever I have gone to write a blog post I have just felt so drained and instantly turned it all off so I didn't write a post full of complete crap that I wasn't happy with. Which has also meant that I am behind on a few topics that I want to discuss so I have started a little draft of them and when I am more organised and have sorted a schedule for A-Levels, work, social life, chill time, blog posts and sleep I will then start posting them.
I decided that since it is nearly half way through March I would like to set myself some goals to achieve this year, I knew that if I set myself some goals at the beginning of the year they just wouldn't happen but now Christmas has been and gone and my birthday has been and gone I thought I would set myself some goals and we can look back on them at the end of the year. I'm not aiming for massive goals because that would be ridiculous but here we go.
1. Get more active.
This isn't necessarily a "lose X amount of weight" goal it is more of a "I am 17 and get out of breath walking to the bus stop" kinda thing. I don't want to give up on this because normally I do really well for a bit and then I just kind of fail and then be unhealthy and laze around for another 86 years.
2. Look after myself more.
I never really think of pamper time or how something could affect me. I do spend way too much time caring about what other people think about me and I would like to change that by looking after myself a bit more and gaining the mindset of "I don't need others to approve of the type of person I am, just myself".
3. Don't take the people in my life for granted.
I would like to say that I don't do this anyway because I am so appreciative of everything anyone does for me. Last year I went through something that really hit me hard and I learnt 2 main things; one that people aren't going to be with you forever so you need to make every second with them count and two that even though I have quite a small family, we all pulled together last year and I did get to know my family more and I would say that we are definitely a pretty amazing bunch. I aim to spend as much time as possible with all the people who I consider close to me and always let them know how much they mean to me because in reality, you don't know the last time you will see someone is.
4. Go to new places and learn new things.
I absolutely love going to new places and learning new things but unfortunately it doesn't happen as much as I would like it to and that's mainly because I never really do much. I want to change this and make sure that everytime I have the opportunity to go to a new place I will always do so. I want to see as much of this world as I can in my lifetime so why not start now?
5. Be more independent.
I would definitely say that I am one of those people who rely on my mum to do basically everything for me. I guess that now I am 17 I should probably start embracing life as a nearly-adult and prepare myself for the rest of my life. Which not only includes embracing new challenges e.g. Ironing but also doing new things on my own and being adult-y (how am I going to be an adult soon when I use words like adult-y?). Not only does this give me chance to see how I will cope as an adult and get tips from mum along the way but it also gives my mum chance to relax, top daughter award!
6. Be genuinely happy.
I know that I have mentioned this in my welcome to 2016 blog but happiness is such an important part of life and I aim to be happy along the way.
If you actually stayed and read that all the way through without falling asleep then thank you so much, I promise you I have better content coming soon that I have already started drafting (oo-er). But, thank you 😊
Lia X
Thought this was a fitting picture for today's post 🌻
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