Hello Earthlings,
This is a little bit different to what I would usually post - sure, I love to shop but I never really share anything I find on my blog. Well, that is changing...for today's post anyway. Today consisted of dragging Jack, aka my wonderful boyfriend/bag carrier, around Meadowhall with the intention of doing lots of Christmas shopping. Unfortunately I didn't do as much Christmas shopping as I would have liked because I just couldn't find anything that I really wanted to gift to anyone. Oh, and if you don't know what Meadowhall is, it's a big shopping centre in Sheffield and I know that many of you will say that it is probably too early to start Christmas shopping but in reality I started in August so ha ha, the joke is on you. Is it? Does that even make sense? I just don't know.
Anyway, I managed to find some purchases that I loved so I decided to dedicate this week's blog post to them so that you lovely people can see them. Let us continue...
1. Christmas Cheer Plaques - Candletime, £7.99
The plaque reads "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear", I personally adore this quote as it is on my favourite Christmas film - Elf, of course. So when I saw it it was definitely not a want but more of a need.
2. Sharpies - WHSmith, £7.99
HOW CAN YOU SAY NO WHEN YOU SAVE £10?! Exactly, you can't. The offer is save £10 on said packet of Sharpies when you buy anything else in store...anything. Please, from a stationery lover to a fellow human being please just treat yourself to some wonderful Sharpies.
3. Body Shop Mascara - £10
Body Shop Tea Tree Squeaky Clean Scrub - £7.00
Victoria's Secret Vanilla Lace Body Spray - £14.00
I decided to throw all of these into one picture to make it look a bit more interesting. I have never tried the Body Shop mascara but I do have high hopes for it. The Squeaky Clean scrub has recently been a life saver for me and I highly recommend it, my skin feels so smooth and it is actually the only facial scrub that hasn't caused me to have an increase in spots. The body spray is a personal favourite of mine for many reasons, it is just amazing.
This is a little bit different to what I would usually post - sure, I love to shop but I never really share anything I find on my blog. Well, that is changing...for today's post anyway. Today consisted of dragging Jack, aka my wonderful boyfriend/bag carrier, around Meadowhall with the intention of doing lots of Christmas shopping. Unfortunately I didn't do as much Christmas shopping as I would have liked because I just couldn't find anything that I really wanted to gift to anyone. Oh, and if you don't know what Meadowhall is, it's a big shopping centre in Sheffield and I know that many of you will say that it is probably too early to start Christmas shopping but in reality I started in August so ha ha, the joke is on you. Is it? Does that even make sense? I just don't know.
Anyway, I managed to find some purchases that I loved so I decided to dedicate this week's blog post to them so that you lovely people can see them. Let us continue...
1. Christmas Cheer Plaques - Candletime, £7.99
The plaque reads "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear", I personally adore this quote as it is on my favourite Christmas film - Elf, of course. So when I saw it it was definitely not a want but more of a need.
2. Sharpies - WHSmith, £7.99
HOW CAN YOU SAY NO WHEN YOU SAVE £10?! Exactly, you can't. The offer is save £10 on said packet of Sharpies when you buy anything else in store...anything. Please, from a stationery lover to a fellow human being please just treat yourself to some wonderful Sharpies.
3. Body Shop Mascara - £10
Body Shop Tea Tree Squeaky Clean Scrub - £7.00
Victoria's Secret Vanilla Lace Body Spray - £14.00
I decided to throw all of these into one picture to make it look a bit more interesting. I have never tried the Body Shop mascara but I do have high hopes for it. The Squeaky Clean scrub has recently been a life saver for me and I highly recommend it, my skin feels so smooth and it is actually the only facial scrub that hasn't caused me to have an increase in spots. The body spray is a personal favourite of mine for many reasons, it is just amazing.
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