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Autumn Days

Hello Earthlings,

I'd like to start by saying that I apologise for the two weeks I haven't posted, I've been super busy and I didn't want to write a post that would be a load of babble. I'd also like to add how overwhelmed I was by the response to my post about being an air cadet, I really hope it inspired at least someone. So, thank you to everyone who shared it and commented - it really meant a lot. 

Now back to the point, I hope that as you saw the title Autumn Days you continued by singing "when the grass is jewelled and the silk inside a chestnut shell" and the rest obviously because I did. But I guess it's obvious as to what today's post is about, however in case it isn' is about autumn and a few things I love about it.

The colours in autumn are so beautiful. It makes me so happy to go somewhere and see the trees changing from green to all the yellows, reds and oranges and then the leaves start falling to the floor and you walk on them and they crunch under your feet. It's all so wonderful, unless of course you walk on a pile of leaves that have dog poop under them or something grim like that. I hope you all have fun crunching leaves and have an entire season with poop free shoes. 

Autumn Clothing
Dark dresses, big jumpers, long coats and boots. What isn't there to love? Big jumpers are easily the greatest invention on the planet, I mean who would want to wear a jumper that fits them when you could have one at least three sizes too big for you? Exactly, I don't know either. Sure, I love summer clothes and not having to wear a coat or a jacket etc but there comes a time when you just want to wrap up and snuggle and be cosy. Autumn is that time, enjoy.

Bonfire Night
...aka my favourite night of the entire year. Closely followed by New Years Eve, funnily enough they both include fireworks. I love fireworks, they're so pretty. I used to love drawing the Catherine Wheels in primary school when it got close to Bonfire Night and then spelling my name out with a sparkler, I always wondered why I could do it loads and loads but some people could only do it a few times but then I realised that my name only has 3 letters. Perks of being called Lia. Plus, Bonfire Night is the night where I see my best friends and take the obligatory selfie to keep tradition. This year I'm even more excited because I haven't seen them in ages because they've buggered off to university. I hope you all enjoy the firework displays, but please be careful with your pets as I hate to think of them being scared. 

The Sky
I know this is a bit of a "well the sky appears in every season" but in autumn it gets lighter later which often means that I get to see the sun come up on the bus to school and the sunset seems to be more orange and beautiful. I just love the sky.

I thought I'd include some pictures of my trip to Curbar with my lovely family. 

Even though I love all the amazing things that come from Autumn, tomorrow I am buggering off to Spain until Friday so have a lovely week.
Until next Sunday,
Lia x 


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