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A-Z facts about me

Hello Earthlings,

I was inspired to write an A-Z facts about me post by Katie, you can read hers here, and I thought it would be a refreshing change from me rambling on about anything and everything. It also gives the new Earthlings reading my blog a chance to paint me as a person instead of a computer. So, I hope you enjoy some random facts about me and feel free to comment any random facts about you, I'd love to know! 

If you often read my blog you will know that being an air cadet was a massive part of my life for four years and it really helped me to actually gain enough confidence to talk to new people and try new things. I probably wouldn't have the confidence to write a blog if it wasn't for being a cadet so I hold the ATC close to my heart. I mean, whilst we're on the topic of cadets feel free to read my post about leaving, here is the link.

I'm sure many of you will have seen the John Lewis 2016 Christmas advert and the Clearscore adverts and saw the cute dogs and fell in love with the boxer dogs on them and I can't blame you. We've only ever had 2 dogs in my lifetime, I grew up with Wallace and we sadly had to have him put down in 2007 and then in between Christmas and New Year of 2008 we got Pippa and they're such a lovable breed. Mad as a box of frogs but who cares? 

More importantly, white chocolate chip cookies by Sainsbury's or any flavour Millie's cookies. I'm pretty okay at being healthy until there are cookies involved and then it goes out the window, I mean I'm not complaining because I get cookies but still. When I really want to make myself feel better about eating cookies instead of being healthy I think to myself that I won't be able to eat cookies when I am dead so I may as well eat them now.

Dogs are my all-time favourite animal, there is nothing better than dogs. We do not deserve dogs.

I know that this probably counts as cheating as the subject of this point doesn't begin with E but I can't swap boxer dogs and cookies so oh well. I've always liked baking and cooking but I have never really been adventurous or done it often and to be honest, I've never really been marvellous at it but at the start of the new year I decided to make my own meals more often and not just opt for a ready meal. Now, it's only the beginning of February and I've only made a few meals but I have loved doing it...and I can put my music on loud and dance along really badly.

I have to say that I have been incredibly lucky growing up as I have always had family around me which has inevitably led to me being close to my family and appreciating them. I always knew that family was important but I never really understood why until we lost my Nan in 2015 and even though we're dotted everywhere everyone pulled together and were all there picking up the pieces. It was nice to realise that even though we all have our own lives wherever we are, we all pull together when it matters. They're pretty cool. 
Alternative options for F include: Frozen, Friends (the TV show) and Footloose (2011).

I don't want to live my life and not try and help people, I've been very lucky as I have grown up and I want to be able to give as much can to the people who aren't as lucky as I have been. This isn't just a one-time type thing I'd love to do this over my life so I can say that I have made at least a little bit of a difference.

Like many other people in my generation I have grown up loving Harry Potter, for me it's a feel-good series. I never get bored of rereading them and I never get bored of rewatching them. I remember when I watched the Philosopher's Stone, I was at my Nana and Grandad's and I walked to the shop with my Nana after with a sparkly pencil pretending it was my wand, I've loved it ever since. 

My favourite ice cream is Ben and Jerry's Half Baked, it was an amazing day when I discovered this ice cream because before I always struggled choosing between cookie dough and the chocolate fudge brownie one and now I always go for this. 

aka the person who puts up with me being mardy and eating way too much. But I sometimes make him laugh so it's a fair balance. 

As mentioned before she's the inspiration for this post and actually the inspiration for me starting a blog in the first place as she made it seem fun writing a blog so I thought I'd give it a go and now I love having my own little space. She's also one of my oldest friends and I've always known she was a weirdo as I can remember her being dressed up as a cat an awful lot. But she's always been there for me whenever I have needed her and I unfortunately don't see myself getting rid of her yet. 

One of my favourite places ever. I love London, I love getting the train to London, I love the big buildings and the business of the city, I love Primrose Bakery, I love the shopping, I love the shows, I love the touristy places. I just love London. You can read about my love of London here, here or here.

Who doesn't love Mamma Mia? It has been my all-time favourite film probably since the first time I saw it, since then I have watched it about 489369 times mostly with my Nana much to my Grandad's displeasure. I have also seen it in London, courtesy of Mummy G and I cried when it started - why I'm such an emotional person I will never know.

I love going out to new places, especially if they're pretty and I can take photos of them and post them all over Instagram. But I love the changes that come with nature especially the change of seasons and I love the tranquillity of being outside in the countryside. I'm lucky to live on the doorstep of many places such as Curbar and Hathersage.

This is quite a weird point to be honest because I don't love them but I don't hate them because I have never tasted them. I've always wanted to taste them but there is just something about them that puts me off. I don't really know why, it's a bit weird.

I don't understand how people don't have a good relationship with their parents because I honestly don't know how I would cope with my parents. I feel like I can do anything I want if I put my mind to it and that's because they have raised me to have faith in myself and have always supported me. I appreciate them so much and I love them unconditionally. Even if they are bonkers in their own way. 

I love a good Pinterest quote. I always feel really inspired after reading a few quotes and they motivate me. Whenever I feel bored or unmotivated I scroll through Pinterest and add quotes to my Wisest of Words bored. I can imagine myself having quotes all over the walls of my house. 

I love the rain, I know that sounds bizarre because so many people complain about the rain but I find it comforting. I love being inside all cosy with the rain pouring down outside and watching it bounce off the ground, I love walks in the rain, I love hearing it fall on the roof when I'm tucked up in bed. More importantly, I love how quintessentially British it is. 

I am the type of person who stresses about stress before there is even stress to stress about. I overthink absolutely everything and spend at least 10 minutes of my day stressing like mad about little things. It really annoys me and I try to change, I know that there are certain things I can't change yet I stress about them anyway. 

Travelling has always been a big dream of mine and now I feel like I'm finally getting to see new places and experience new things, especially this year as I have 4 trips planned and I can't wait to make so many memories. I don't want to get old and think "I wish I'd have gone there" so I may as well do it now whilst I can. 

I like to think I'm quite an understanding person. I also like to think that I am accepting of all kinds of people, I guess it is quite a good quality to have. 

The violin is always something I have wanted to learn to play, I hope that one day I will be able to learn. It is definitely something on my bucket list.

I may love the rain but the wind is something I hate, I always get earache, it makes a horrible noise and it destroys things. When it is really bad it really frightens me, I don't know why I hate the wind I don't think I have ever had a terrible experience with it but it just scares me. 

One of my biggest pet peeves. I'm not going to go into great deal about why it annoys me as it is probably fairly self-explanatory but yes, it bothers me. 

I'm hoping it is obvious as to who I mean, but I'll tell you in case you don't. Young Leonardo DiCaprio, can you blame me? 

I have a zero-tolerance to many things, such as bullying and drinking and driving. I know they're two different examples but they are two things that I do have a strong hatred for.

If you have made it all the way to the end of this blog and you are reading this right now, thank you so much. As usual I truly appreciate every single one of you who reads my blog and supports the posts by sharing and whatnot. 

Until next time,
Lia x 


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