The Fate of the Furious is the eighth instalment of the Fast and Furious franchise, featuring the usual line up of drivers with the added bonus of Charlize Theron, playing the criminal mastermind and cyber terrorist Cipher, development of Jason Statham's character as Deckard Shaw and a cameo from Helen Mirren who channels her inner gobby-Londoner as Shaw's mother.
Steering away from the original street racing aspect of Fast and Furious it is fair to say that this film is more action with the gasping moment where Dom (Vin Diesel) teams up with Cipher who interrupts his honeymoon with Letty, will he pull through and return to his wife (Michelle Rodriguez) and the rest of the family? The references to the much loved Brian O'Conner remind the viewers of the sense of family that does surround the Fast and Furious cast as this is the first film, apart from Tokyo Drift, where we lack the on-screen appearances of Brian, since the actor who portrayed him (Paul Walker) sadly died in a single car accident in November 2013.
The reviews have been mixed to good, yet it has quickly overtaken Star Wars: The Force Awakens in the highest-grossest film in its opening weekend. The Fast and the Furious film series is definitely one of my favourites and I can sit and rewatch them over and over again, I definitely recommend this to anyone who loves the action, loves the cars, loves the ride or die feel or just fancies watching a film. I mean, I loved it and you should definitely watch it.
Until next week,
Lia x
Steering away from the original street racing aspect of Fast and Furious it is fair to say that this film is more action with the gasping moment where Dom (Vin Diesel) teams up with Cipher who interrupts his honeymoon with Letty, will he pull through and return to his wife (Michelle Rodriguez) and the rest of the family? The references to the much loved Brian O'Conner remind the viewers of the sense of family that does surround the Fast and Furious cast as this is the first film, apart from Tokyo Drift, where we lack the on-screen appearances of Brian, since the actor who portrayed him (Paul Walker) sadly died in a single car accident in November 2013.
The reviews have been mixed to good, yet it has quickly overtaken Star Wars: The Force Awakens in the highest-grossest film in its opening weekend. The Fast and the Furious film series is definitely one of my favourites and I can sit and rewatch them over and over again, I definitely recommend this to anyone who loves the action, loves the cars, loves the ride or die feel or just fancies watching a film. I mean, I loved it and you should definitely watch it.
Until next week,
Lia x
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