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RECIPE: Melting Cheese and Baked Bean Pie with Sausages

Hello Earthlings,

Now before I go on and delve straight into this whole recipe post I want to talk a bit first, well type, but let's be honest that isn't really a surprise. When the new year started, yes all that time ago, I made it one of my new year's resolutions to cook more and I have been doing (I know, I've had nearly 10 months to be doing so) and I really wanted to cook more and start to adapt recipes and put my own mark on them so to speak. I want to do this so they feel more personal to me and so I can then share them on here. The recipe that I am about to tell you lovely people I originally found in the Sainsbury's magazine (September 2017 issue), so if you would like to view the original recipe and see a better looking photograph then follow this link which will take you to the Sainsbury's website. I mentioned the picture thing because I do need to up my camera skills for these posts but hey, we can't all be multi-talented humans. 

This is the first time that I have bought the Sainsbury's magazine so I definitely feel like it was a grown up thing to do so I was kind of surprised when I saw so many different types of recipes. I mean, I don't really know what I was expecting from a supermarket magazine but if you haven't picked one of these up from a supermarket then I recommend you do, especially if you enjoy cooking, I know Tesco's do a magazine but I'm not sure about any others. 

Flicking through I found this recipe and it caught my eye because the whole concept of it is just so simple, baked beans in a pie? Who would've thought it? I definitely wouldn't have. But I did have my apprehensions, maybe the beans and just the cheese would've been too plain on their own. So I opted to add sausages, I guess you could use any type of sausages that you fancied however I chose Richmond purely because we had some already in the freezer so it was very convenient.

Pies are so easy and so tasty and in my opinion, a proper winter warmer. If the rain is pouring down outside and you just want some comfort food then a pie is easily the best way to combat this need. Any pie will do the trick but I am today going to tell you a suuuuuper (emphasis on the uuuuuu please) easy one. Let's head to the kitchen! (Well you can really stay sat down but I like that little phrase)

For this, you will need: 

  • 1 tbsp butter 
  • 1 onion, finely sliced
  • 2 x 400g baked beans (you can use any but beans means Heinz)
  • 1-2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • Sausages (your preference to how many and brand, I used 4 and Richmond)
  • 300g mature cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1 x 375g pack of ready rolled puff pastry 
  • The Sainsbury's recipe recommends serving with steamed greens but really you can serve it however you want)
For this, you do:

1. Put the sausages in the oven at the recommended cooking temperature to cook them through before adding to the dish.

2. Whilst the sausages are cooking, melt the butter in a frying pan on a medium heat and fry the onion for 10 minutes until soft. Then leave to cool.

3. Season the beans with the Worcestershire sauce, or any other sauce you wish to season those beans with, and tip into pie dish (the recommended size from the original recipe is 20cm wide x 7cm deep, but I just grabbed whatever I could find and hoped for the best). 

4. Mix the cheese with the onions and wait for the sausages to finish cooking, when they are ready leave them to cool for a bit so you can handle them and then cut them up into chunks and add to the beans. 

5. Sprinkle the cheese and the onions over the top of the beans and sausages. 

6. Roll the pastry out and place over the dish. If you would like to glaze the pastry I used a splash of milk and brushed it over or you could alternatively use an egg glaze by just brushing the pastry all over with the beaten egg. Press the edges down into the dish for a snazzy bit of easy decoration and make a steam hole in the middle. 

7. Bake for 40 minutes until golden brown and bubbling. Then, enjoy!

So please remember that this is not my original recipe I simply adapted it by adding the sausages. 

Also, let's continue spreading the love on That Girl with that Blog's Facebook page, the link is here so you can add pictures of your versions of the pie, or recommend other recipes that I could try and adapt and share. I'm always open for suggestions so send me a message via the Messenger button on the page and I hope the pie is successful!

Until next week,
Lia x 


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