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All that's good

Hello Earthlings,

I want to start by saying thank you to each and every one of you that shared my post, read my post and hopefully took something from my post last week. If you haven't read it, then I hope you will as it really encourages you to help people this is the link. Now onto this week! I feel like there's so much bad news around nowadays, there's issues we need to discuss and I get that and I'm so happy that as a society we are starting to do that more but really, they aren't good issues at all. There's a constant theme running through the majority of trends and such on Twitter etc. so I want to use this post to spread a bit of good news. I have attempted to scour various spaces of the web to find some good bits and bobs to share with you, but before that I'm a Celebrity is back this weekend which is a huge bit of good news!

It has been found that 9 in 10 students in a college at Oxford University are from a state school, I personally think that this is a big step in the right direction. There's always been this feeling around Oxford and Cambridge that in order for you to go there you have to be from a super rich family and speak in your typical received pronunciation accent and not have a clue what the word "mardy" means (just an example, but this has been baffling me recently. How do some people in the country not know what being mardy is? If you aren't being mardy then what are you being?! ANYWAAAAY). Reading this has really made me happy, because although there's a long way to go in terms of classism at least we are making some form of progress, so you keep going how you're going you smart humans. It doesn't matter where you're from, if you have the brains to get into Oxford then you deserve to go to Oxford. Mansfield College's goal is spelled out by Helen Brooks, "our ultimate aim is that everyone should feel like Oxford is an option for them, regardless of where they come from. I Click here to read the full article! (PSA: little linky button won't work for this bit so here is the web address, do what you wish: )

The first hijabi Barbie is here! Mattel have released a line of Shero Barbies (hero but with a SHEro, girl power) with the company revealing it's tenth doll in the line and an overall goal to achieve better representation of humanity. It has been noted that if the typical old school Barbie doll was in fact a real human her waist would only be 16 inches only leaving room for only half a liver and a few inches of intestine, not ideal. The first Barbie to wear a hijab is modelled on Ibtihaj Muhammad, a fencer who became the first American to not only compete in the Olympics wearing a hijab but also rocked it and won a medal, saying that "I'm proud to know that little girls who wear a hijab and, just as powerfully those don't, can play with a Barbie in a headscarf. I know that the more diverse dolls are offered, the many more inspiring stories girls will be able to tell". The full article can be read online at the Guardian by following this link here.

 Odd socks drive me insane, but in this example I will let everyone wearing odd socks off and send you all imaginary cookies to celebrate what you're doing. It's currently anti-bullying week and this is something very close to my heart; the thought of someone being bullied for being different really upsets me. I'm a huge advocate for people being themselves and we're all different and we should embrace this and carry on being amazing, but some people don't think this way and take it upon themselves to intentionally make someone's life hell just for liking something different. This entire mentality to me is insane and we should much rather celebrate individuality, rather than encourage people to hide it. Which is what some year 5 pupils have been doing, wearing odd socks to encourage individuality, in the most simplest of ways. I hope there's been lots of anti-bullying activity where you are, to see the video you can click here

I have to say that this actually took me quite a while to find some good news but it does prove that if you look hard enough you can find some! So, don't be sad about all the bad news out there, take this opportunity to go and find something positive. 

Until next week,
Lia x 


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