Today I present to you a simple way to make tasty treats all festive. They're also the most straightforward cupcakes ever as I managed to make them without making too much of a mess. So, you're pretty safe here. I feel like I'm good to measure yourself against when baking because even though I enjoy it, there was the one time that I saw this cool chocolate cake on Pinterest and thought "ayup, we will have a go at this", I forgot to put the eggs in and then didn't realise Fahrenheit and Celsius were different so whacked it in and thought "hmm well our oven doesn't go that high" so turned it up as much as I can. The cake was burnt, and wasn't really edible. Really, you can trust that if I can do it anyone can.
Anyway, I was in the supermarket and saw this and instantly had inspiration for this post. I saw a packet of vanilla sponge mix and thought "wahey we could do all sorts with this". Which you can, when you see the picture really you should ignore the food colouring and the salted caramel icing as they did not go to plan, I just didn't cover all bases in the picture. The icing sugar thing, well I don't really know how to describe it but I'm sure you lovely people would be able to manage to make it taste proper and the food colouring? I had no idea what planet I was on when I thought green icing would make a good home for my little gingerbread men. I wanted orange but couldn't find any.
I feel like a full of instructions really isn't necessary, on the back of the sponge mix there's instructions on what you do and then you make either cupcakes or a cake and then you unleash the decorating (after you've let them cool). I chose the safe option of Betty Crocker icing, as you can't really go wrong with it and used a piping bag to make little swirls for the top but really you could probably use some form of cutlery. Whack some decorations on, for example gingerbread men, and sprinkle some edible clementine snow on them and you're ready.
There's the simple cupcakes, of course there's so many different festive baking ideas that you could do so please feel free to share them!
Until tomorrow,
Lia x
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