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Showing posts from January, 2018

To Be Read in 2018

Greetings Earthlings, This year, I have decided, will be the year that I start reading properly again. I have basically grown up on reading, most of my family have always read and it's just been something I picked up along the way. I've always loved the escape that reading provided but over the years I have stopped doing it as much. Not because I hate it or anything but because English literature kind of made be stop enjoying it as much, I loved the subject don't get me wrong, but there was something kind of tedious about reading and analysing every single word so it put me off.  Now I do psychology at uni so I don't have to analyse every word as the truth is I don't understand most of them, I am 100% referring to my statistics textbook (we don't get along), so in my free time I'm going to start reading again and escaping the real world. I decided to do a to be read list to give me something to aim for throughout the year, I also keep typing to bread lis...

Earthquake: Chesterfield Shoebox Appeal

Hey Earthlings!  Now before you get on the phone to your Aunt Brenda alarming her that you've seen the words "earthquake" and "Chesterfield" in the same sentence, chill, it is all okay and everything is in fact under control. But welcome, to the new tab on my blog called Earthquake, yes it is a bit of an odd name for a tab on a blog but I shall explain. If you go on Google and search "define earthquake" and click on the link to it will tell you that an earthquake is: a tremor of the surface of the earth, sometimes severe and devastating (then including some science-y stuff). This is where I come in, I have a passion for wanting to help people and try and change someone's world because even if I help one person, I have still helped. In this case, the tremor is me grabbing their little world (metaphorically) and shaking it to have a positive impact. Basically, I want to help other's by acknowledging the work they do and writing a...

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello Earthlings, I don't know where to start with this but I have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award, I never really consider that people read my blog (weird, right?) so when I saw that the lovely Becca at Missing in Sight had nominated me I was over the moon. This means a lot to me as it shows that not only has someone read my blog but they've also acknowledged my aim in spreading happiness and whatnot. So, yeah, mini victory over here!  I would like to thank Becca at Missing in Sight , her blog is absolutely amazing and she brings something so unique to the blogger community so I definitely recommend you clicking on the links and having a read. If you want to read her post about the Sunshine Blogger Award then clickedy-click here .  If you aren't aware of what the Sunshine Blogger award is, which I wasn't until I clicked on loads of them yesterday, it is given to a blogger who provides inspiration through their positivity and creativity in th...

The Return to Uni

Hello Earthlings, As I sit here and type this, the new series of Death in Paradise has started, I'm sat with a towel around wet hair and in some way I'm attempting to write revision notes. Clearly, the new year has bought a life of luxury yet I have to return to uni soon and just the thought of it makes me let out a sigh which also translates to "I'm quite happy plodding along and pretending that it doesn't exist". I decided to do this post to explain how I am preparing for getting up early again, and all the work that comes with it. I have a couple of exams next week that I'm attempting to try and revise for. I feel like it has been ages since I have revised, A level exams seem so long even though really they were last June. Trying to shake myself into looking at things and trying to remember them insanely well is definitely taking some doing. When I started uni I kinda struggle to get the hang of it, when they say it's a big jump from sixth for...

Hello 2018

Hello Earthlings, Happy New Year! Whether you're a huge fan of a new year and love the thought of a fresh start or whether it's just another month and you're sick of seeing "new year, new me" posts, I hope this year brings you lots of happiness. Personally, I take a new year and I look at it so positively and think of all the potential and try and set myself goals, but some people see the start of a new year as a kind of "oh my gosh, I'm not doing enough to try and do this etc." and I want to say that it's okay for you to be cool with how you are, it's okay to be making progress but not making progress as quick as other people are, it's perfectly okay for you to tackle this year however you want to. I, for one, would like take use this chance to say that if you need any encouragement or anything to help you get to your goals then I'll certainly try my best, just send a message somehow through whichever social media appeals. I cele...