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Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello Earthlings,

I don't know where to start with this but I have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award, I never really consider that people read my blog (weird, right?) so when I saw that the lovely Becca at Missing in Sight had nominated me I was over the moon. This means a lot to me as it shows that not only has someone read my blog but they've also acknowledged my aim in spreading happiness and whatnot. So, yeah, mini victory over here! 

I would like to thank Becca at Missing in Sight, her blog is absolutely amazing and she brings something so unique to the blogger community so I definitely recommend you clicking on the links and having a read. If you want to read her post about the Sunshine Blogger Award then clickedy-click here

If you aren't aware of what the Sunshine Blogger award is, which I wasn't until I clicked on loads of them yesterday, it is given to a blogger who provides inspiration through their positivity and creativity in the blogging community. 

The rules of the Sunshine Award are as follow:
1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog. 
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions. 
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

1. What strengths and weaknesses do you bring to blogging?
I like to think that a strength I bring is that I like to try and use my blog to promote helping people and being a little kinder to others and ourselves. I would definitely say a weakness is that compared to other bloggers I see my photography choice is far to none. I would love to be more into taking photos for my blog but the truth I have no idea where to start so you currently get what you're given, I would definitely like to improve.

2. What is at the top of your bucket list?
In a very stupid way I think the aim at the top of my bucket list is to remember to live, one of the main things I would love to do in my life is travel to as many places as I possibly can but I think a lot of the time I get too caught up in "this needs doing and ah there's that" and I think reminding myself that once I'm dead, that's it kinda kicks me up the backside a bit to be all "no, I'm going to do this and this". 

3. What is the one item you can't leave home without? Why? Cell phones excluded.
Hmm, I'd say that if I was going to uni it would definitely be my student card as I need that to get into the library and that tends to be where I hide away if I don't have a lecture or seminar, but in general it would probably be a packet of mints. I like to have a packet in every bag, in my locker at work, in my never know when you're going to fancy a mint.

4. What is your biggest fear?
I want to tie this question in with my answer to question 1 as my biggest fear is to have this life of however many years and not do as much as I possibly can within that time. However, for a separate answer I am terrified of geese, not too keen on moths and can definitely leave spiders (although, they're okay if they just stay still). 

5. Who was the best teacher you ever had? What quality did you like? Why? (I cheated. 3 questions in one.)
Without a doubt my year 6 teacher Mrs Callear, I used to be absolutely terrified of her when I was in my younger years of primary school mainly because whenever I saw her she was shouting at someone on the playground. So, I was a little nervous as I went into year 6 but that was easily my favourite year of my entire school years, she was funny and really helped in building my confidence. There's a couple of English related teachers who closely follow from when I was at secondary school, in year 10 (I want to say year 10), my English literature teacher and year 11 and other points of secondary, my English language teacher. 

6. How would you describe yourself in one complete sentence? 
I'm a little, slightly clumsy human who is at first rather shy and then never shuts up, I aim to help people in whatever way I can and make as many people happy as possible and I'm also not very good at writing sentences about myself.

7. Which app do you use the most? Why?
I could spend absolutely hours finding different things on Pinterest. I love it, I can go on there in a really crappy mood, have a scroll through some inspirational quotes and I'm ready to conquer the world. 

8. What is your favourite piece of clothing that you own? Share why and describe it. 
This probably depends on what mood I'm in, and I hate choosing favourite things because for some reason I feel as though I can't love something else as much. I'm odd like that. But, I do love it when I wear something and remember a happy memory for example: I have this pair of boots that have multicoloured lining at the top and they're so comfy, but the seal on them is practically non-existent so they aren't waterproof at all but I wore them all week last year when I went to Paris so they've been up the Eiffel Tower! So, I kinda don't want to part with them. 

9. What is one of your bad habits?
I put myself under an insane amount of pressure which then results in me being stressed because I always tend to expect so much of myself. 

10. What job would you be terrible at?
I can imagine waitressing would go terribly as I'm incredibly clumsy so I'd probably smash cups and pour things on people accidentally and it just really wouldn't work. 

11. What do you wish you knew more about?
I would love to know more about cooking, the world, history, astronomy, SO MUCH. I have such a big list, I just want to know about everything. 

My nominations are:

My questions for you are: 

1. If you could only visit one other country ever again, where would it be and why?
2. What are you passionate about?
3. If you could invite 5 people (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would it be?
4. Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
5. What are you favourite things about blogging?
6. If you could have any skill, what would it be?
7. What was your first job?
8. If you could tell one person anything, what would it be?
9. What is one thing you want to achieve?
10. What is your favourite quality about yourself?
11. What is one film that you could watch over and over again? 

Once again, thank you so much Becca. You really did make my week!
To everyone else, leave me your links and I can't wait wait to read your posts!

For now,
Lia x 


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