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Showing posts from March, 2018

Cosy Catch Up #2

Hey Earth bugs, This is a bit of an oddly timed post as I had written half of it in the week then didn't finish it off in time and now we're here. Last weekend it was snowing and horrible weather and today it is lovely and has put me in a very good mood because I am currently sat on my bedroom floor, it's quarter to 7 in the evening, it's still daylight and the birdies are all cheeping outside my bedroom window. The one good thing the snow last week was that Jack and myself went to the cinema to see The Greatest Showman, I am obsessed, it is amazing, I love it. It's such a feel good film and I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. The songs are all brilliant as well, and I have listened to the soundtrack all week so now I have that little obsession out of the way I can continue with the post.  I decided I'd do a bit of a catch up for this weeks post, I have so many posts planned out and ready to post but a few of them have to be posted on a specific date...

Focus: What you can control

Hey Earthbugs, The other day I was scrolling through Pinterest, this is a frequent occurrence in my life and happens quite frequently, and I came across a post that said "Things you can control" and it was a list of 26 things that you can control and I thought a lot about it. It's originally posted by Ruben Chavez from the Think Grow Prosper website which I will link to here , I haven't seen it before and I'm not really writing this post about the website itself. I decided to choose a few off the list and write my thoughts about them, I'll leave the picture at the bottom of this post to remind us all what we can control. For me, this post is important because I feel that as a society we focus a lot on the aspects of our life that we can't control. We stress about them, we overthink them and give them far too much head space. I decided to look at this post and work on it, to work on myself to focus on the things that I do have power over, instead of th...


Hey Earthbugs, Growing up I have always had strong women in my life who have influenced me and helped to shape me into who I am today. I never knew that women weren't seen as equals to men until I hit secondary school because I never really experienced anything that showed me otherwise. I learnt about the Suffragettes in about year 8 and was fascinated by these amazing women who lived their life fighting for equality. It always bugged me that we covered it in history as just a brief topic so I went out and learnt more and it's common knowledge in my house that if I lived in those times I too would have been a Suffragette. I now know that inequality is a thing and I now know that women are commonly viewed as objects and there's one example I'll never forget. I remember being out with my friends one day in summer, we must have been about 13, and it was boiling so we had shorts on and we were walking down a main road and this van went past and pipped and the men in i...

18 things to do at 18...a year on

HELLO EARTHBUGS, TODAY IS A SHOUTY DAY BECAUSE IT IS MY BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LIAAAAAA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. I shall stop shouting now, I promise, but today I thought I'd publish an extra post to see if I managed to ticked off the things on my 18 things to do at 18 list. I thoroughly recommend putting on a dance playlist, something incredibly cheesy, and having a mini dance party with some party poppers before continuing to read this post.  1.  Go to bingo - DONE! After having this planned for a year and a half I can now tick this off. I loved bingo! I have still only done this twice but I thoroughly enjoy it and I haven't won yet but one day my luck must change. DONE. 2.  Buy my own alcohol - DONE! I was probably the most enthusiastic person ever whilst getting my ID out to prove I'm 18...this is probably going to happen a lot as I look approximately 14. I still get asked for ID all the time, in fact I a...