Hey Earthbugs,
The other day I was scrolling through Pinterest, this is a frequent occurrence in my life and happens quite frequently, and I came across a post that said "Things you can control" and it was a list of 26 things that you can control and I thought a lot about it. It's originally posted by Ruben Chavez from the Think Grow Prosper website which I will link to here, I haven't seen it before and I'm not really writing this post about the website itself. I decided to choose a few off the list and write my thoughts about them, I'll leave the picture at the bottom of this post to remind us all what we can control.
For me, this post is important because I feel that as a society we focus a lot on the aspects of our life that we can't control. We stress about them, we overthink them and give them far too much head space. I decided to look at this post and work on it, to work on myself to focus on the things that I do have power over, instead of the negativity surrounding the things I can't control. I hope you take something positive from the rest of this post, let's all focus on the good things for a change.
Okay so...
What books you read
I think it is a shame because I don't ever seem to have conversations where many people read books, and I personally think it is a shame. I love to read and have grown up surrounded by people who also read. As I've said many times before on this blog, I am trying to read more and it's going well. You can learn so much from reading, honestly so much. There's books on anything! I think we can really continue learning anything through the simple activity of getting cosy and reading a book.
Who your friends are
This is so important. I always used to feel bad if a friendship started going sour, but after I left secondary school I realised that it did not matter and now I have cut off so many people I used to consider friends. This isn't something you should be sad about, there are so many reasons that a friendship could end, you could grow apart in a completely innocent way or there could a more serious reason for example they could be incredibly toxic. So, snip snip and cut them off. It's very therapeutic. I recommend it, but also whilst on the topic of controlling who your friends are you should also be grateful about the good friends you have. As this is a focus on the positive type thing, you should tell your friends that you appreciate them more. This could also fall under the how much you appreciate the things you have, as I like to view this as people and experiences.
Whether or not you try again after a set back
I'm a big believer in if you want something then you have to try no matter how much you get knocked back. Sometimes you have to take a minute, sit back and reassess the situation no matter how tough things currently seem.
How kind you are to others and yourself
I love being kind and I love making people happy and cheering them up. This is definitely something we should remember, I know that when I'm sad I like to make other people smile and it makes me at least a little bit cheerier. Also, it's important not to beat yourself up over things, as I also read on Pinterest... you are your own home. You're kind of stuck there.
P.S. I would love to give credit to the owner of this but I don't know who it is 😔
Whether or not you judge other people
We're all different and the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. In a similar way that we can learn a lot from books, we can also learn a lot from other people. Just because someone likes something that you don't, it doesn't mean they're "weird".
I am going to leave it at this as I could probably ramble about every single point on this list, but that probably wouldn't be very interesting. Instead, I recommend you take a few seconds to think about each point, or a few, on this list and look at things from a different perspective.
Thank you for reading!
Until next week,
Lia x
The other day I was scrolling through Pinterest, this is a frequent occurrence in my life and happens quite frequently, and I came across a post that said "Things you can control" and it was a list of 26 things that you can control and I thought a lot about it. It's originally posted by Ruben Chavez from the Think Grow Prosper website which I will link to here, I haven't seen it before and I'm not really writing this post about the website itself. I decided to choose a few off the list and write my thoughts about them, I'll leave the picture at the bottom of this post to remind us all what we can control.
For me, this post is important because I feel that as a society we focus a lot on the aspects of our life that we can't control. We stress about them, we overthink them and give them far too much head space. I decided to look at this post and work on it, to work on myself to focus on the things that I do have power over, instead of the negativity surrounding the things I can't control. I hope you take something positive from the rest of this post, let's all focus on the good things for a change.
Okay so...
What books you read
I think it is a shame because I don't ever seem to have conversations where many people read books, and I personally think it is a shame. I love to read and have grown up surrounded by people who also read. As I've said many times before on this blog, I am trying to read more and it's going well. You can learn so much from reading, honestly so much. There's books on anything! I think we can really continue learning anything through the simple activity of getting cosy and reading a book.
Who your friends are
This is so important. I always used to feel bad if a friendship started going sour, but after I left secondary school I realised that it did not matter and now I have cut off so many people I used to consider friends. This isn't something you should be sad about, there are so many reasons that a friendship could end, you could grow apart in a completely innocent way or there could a more serious reason for example they could be incredibly toxic. So, snip snip and cut them off. It's very therapeutic. I recommend it, but also whilst on the topic of controlling who your friends are you should also be grateful about the good friends you have. As this is a focus on the positive type thing, you should tell your friends that you appreciate them more. This could also fall under the how much you appreciate the things you have, as I like to view this as people and experiences.
Whether or not you try again after a set back
I'm a big believer in if you want something then you have to try no matter how much you get knocked back. Sometimes you have to take a minute, sit back and reassess the situation no matter how tough things currently seem.
How kind you are to others and yourself
I love being kind and I love making people happy and cheering them up. This is definitely something we should remember, I know that when I'm sad I like to make other people smile and it makes me at least a little bit cheerier. Also, it's important not to beat yourself up over things, as I also read on Pinterest... you are your own home. You're kind of stuck there.
P.S. I would love to give credit to the owner of this but I don't know who it is 😔
Whether or not you judge other people
We're all different and the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. In a similar way that we can learn a lot from books, we can also learn a lot from other people. Just because someone likes something that you don't, it doesn't mean they're "weird".
I am going to leave it at this as I could probably ramble about every single point on this list, but that probably wouldn't be very interesting. Instead, I recommend you take a few seconds to think about each point, or a few, on this list and look at things from a different perspective.
Thank you for reading!
Until next week,
Lia x
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