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The Return of Lia

Hey Earthbugs!

I have returned to my little corner of the internet and am once again ready to ramble about a load of rubbish and publish it. I cannot wait. I haven't really been present in the blogging world for about a month and although there have been times where I've felt a bit guilty and that "ah I should really post something", I couldn't bring myself to post something that I didn't fully like so I just disappeared. But surprise! I thought I'd take you on a quick tour (I accidentally typed quich then and it reminded me of quiche and now I want quiche) of where I've been, what my plans are for my blog for a bit and generally how things are going. Call it a cosy catch up, call it a blog journey, call it a preview. A bit of a mix today but I'm quite excited to be posting again. 

The Beginning

When I started my blog I was 15 and had no clue what I was doing in any aspect of anything, I didn't know what to call it so quickly chose That Girl with that Blog and that has kind of stuck ever since and from there I have created this collection of posts about anything and everything that I'm quite proud of, people have shared my posts, people have liked the Facebook page I made when I started feeling like I was annoying everyone on my personal page for sharing my blog. It has become something that I really enjoy doing and I now view it as my own personal way of being able to do something good in the world and get my voice out there and I like to use various social media platforms to read new blogs and discover more things to learn about. 

Being 15 seems a lifetime ago and although I believe that my main approach to life hasn't really changed, everything else about me probably has. Being 15 meant every little thing in life was instantly transformed into this huge drama and it was inevitably going to be the talk of the school because you were there 5 days a week for 6 hours of the day, you sat in the same classes all the time, you were constantly in this environment that everyone seemed to know everything that was happening. If you didn't quite know the full story then you didn't need to worry because obviously so and so who you sat next to in science would know. I held my family very close to my heart, which I still do, but the main worry was fitting in and just getting through GCSE years. Saying that makes me laugh as GCSE exams were actually a walk in the park, I mean some miracle happened and I passed history but the rest of it compared to A Levels and then uni was just pretty straight forward. 

In the past 4 years I do feel as though I have developed more personally and in some ways professionally and would really like to show that through my blog.

This is me around the time I started my blog

The Preview

I scroll through Twitter often and see people worrying about numbers, about how this certain post they really enjoyed writing but it hasn't done so well and although it can be a bit disheartening when you see that one post hasn't done as well as another post did a couple of weeks ago and you worked really hard on it... but I'm now not going to worry about it. Blogging for me has always been a hobby, I have always loved writing, and I know some people make careers out of it and you know what, go them, honestly the dedication they have to writing certain posts to appeal to this audience and then promoting it and promoting it and the other platforms that come along with it and this demand to be a social media god. I salute them because I really don't think I'd be able to manage, especially with another job as well. I just want to make it clear that I am in no way criticising these bloggers, they work hard and produce really good content but right now I'm kinda focusing the spotlight on my blog. But I like to write about topics that interest me and it is a bonus if people enjoy reading it.

A lot of bloggers write a post and then edit it and then leave it and edit it again and add bits and take parts away and make the post perfect. Obviously, I don't want crazy spelling mistakes and for people to read a sentence and think "what?" but I also like to treat my posts as if I'm having a conversation, maybe with some big words thrown in. I try to keep it as authentic and linked to me as possible because I don't want to be a perfect blog, I'm That Girl with that Blog and I try and come across as though really we could be sat having a cuppa. 

Several mind maps, I wish I could say I was organised enough to do them on paper but they're very much scribbled down somewhere in a safe place in my brain (someone help them, they may never see daylight again...wait, I have a brain?!), have reminded me of the posts I really like doing and the posts that I would want to potentially create in the future. As mentioned before, I love writing posts where I can research things and voice my opinions like the posts I've done for International Women's Day and What's All the Buzz? (Manchester Arena attack). I also love writing about my adventures to new places and really want to delve into reviewing my travels more, I want to write more reviews in general as well as I feel this is also a good way to catapult me out of my comfort zone (trust me, there's one in the near future), and it gives me a bloody good excuse to go to the cinema or somewhere new. Food is something that I want to touch on as I would love to develop my skills in the kitchen, but I think for now I may stick to doing the odd brief recipe post on my Instagram account (if you would like to follow then head over to lia_earthquake3 and tappity tap the follow button) and going from there. Watch this space, recipe posts may appear one day. I thoroughly enjoy my little catch ups and maybe one day they will actually be exciting but until then we can just chill. 

If you've read my blog from at least the start of 2018 then you'll probably remember me doing an "Earthquake" section and doing a couple of posts and then leaving it. I realised now that I actually made it quite a limiting section and I'm going to keep that little tab however I am going to review it and tweak a few things so I can continue spreading that earthquake of positivity which I thoroughly encourage everyone to do elsewhere as well. 

A topic that I would like to bring in to my blog would definitely be creativity, I absolutely adore being creative and making things and what not. It really is a big passion of mine so I would love to be able to share that on the little internet space that is my blog. I'm not sure how I'm going to introduce this all yet but where there's a will, there's a way.


Where did I go? Good question. April was a bit of an odd month. It flew by but also went quite slow. Not a lot happened but a lot happened. All in all it was rather odd. 

But May is a new month full of new potential and it also marks the end of first year of uni so there's a couple of posts lined up regarding that. 

I'm also doing a marathon over the month of May which I will be writing a post about shortly so if you would like to sponsor me then the link is on my Facebook page/it will be accompanying the ramble about it. Side note: thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far, you're all bloody wonderful. 

I have deemed May the month I start to "get my sh*t together" (sorry Nana Susie), so far it is going well and I managed to go into the bank to set up online banking, what an achievement I felt like such an adult. I also ordered a chai latte and very nice it was too, honestly I'm feeling so very sophisticated right now.

Thank you so much for being patient and continuing the support of liking posts, reading posts, sharing posts. It very much means the world to me that you enjoy my writing, I hope this little piece of the internet can forever be a happy place for many. 

All my love,
Lia x 


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