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Life Update Ramble

Hey Earthbugs,

In the summer of 2015 (I want to say) I used to do this thing called Weekly Rambles on my blog and today we're going to bring them back and just ramble about anything and everything that happens to pop into my head. I'm hoping it provides you with a bit of an update as to where I've been as I once again disappeared off the blogging Earth and go from there really. I'd usually say get a cuppa, but maybe a cool drink would be better in this horrible humid weather. But if you'd really like a cuppa, then pop that kettle on and let's get ready for a nice chatty post. 

The last couple of weeks have been hectic, fitting in with working I've been a bridesmaid and consequently had a long weekend visiting relatives in Blackpool and being reunited with other relatives from Yarmouth and Chicago. Of course, this has led to plans to visit Chicago and I'm very excited about them! I've also been to see Little Mix in Derby with my Mum and we had an incredible night (minus the traffic when leaving), they can put on a phenomenal performance and somehow still how amazing, which baffled me. I was never a fan of Little Mix but now I have to say, I love them and I love everything they stand for and think they're pretty fab. After Little Mix, it was a busy weekend full of more music at Tramlines with Jack and that was a wonderful weekend and I got right to the barrier for Jake Bugg which made me very happy. If you do not know who Jake Bugg is then I seriously recommend you listen to him, I may be biased but he's bloody brilliant. Oh and on Monday night I went to the cinema with my Nana to see Mamma Mia Here We Go Again and oh my gosh, it was SO worth the 10 year wait, I want every outfit young Donna wore, Lily James is the perfect choice for young Donna, it was just beautiful. Yes, I cried. All in all, a tad busy but happy.

When I finished uni, I thought "I'll have all this time off and can create lots of content for my blog" and in reality, that hasn't happened quite as much as I liked because I've been working quite a lot and I seem to be absolutely terrible at the whole work/blog balance. But I am going to try and make it a bit more successful because I do enjoy writing. 

It also seems a little bit weird that my first year of uni is already done and that flew by, so how quick are the next two going to be? Then I will be a fully fledged adult and I'm not I can qualify as one of those. I like to hang on the to the fact that I look about 14 and have little responsibilities as a good excuse to avoid adulting. I think I'm also in the stage of I kinda know where I want to be as my goal career, so to speak, but it will take a lot to get there so what do I do in the meantime? My mind has several squiggly lines drawn to different directions and I'm so thankful that I do have 2 years to decide because bloody hell, gone are the days when the most difficult decision was what pencil case you were going to have for the school year.

Jake Bugg @ Tramlines

In terms of blogging, I'm definitely going to start adding more creativity posts into my blog because I thoroughly enjoy making pretty things. I'm also constantly thinking of ways to spread that positive little earthquake around, so bare with people. I'm going to start writing all my ideas in a notebook because that makes marginally more sense than me forgetting something. Be prepared, earthbugs!

I'm also going to the Deep on Sunday so I hope you're ready for a post on that because I'm SO SO SO EXCITED. 

All my love,
Lia x 


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