Hello Earthbugs, This is a bit of a jumbled post to once again explain where I disappeared to, I'd say a lot has happened and in between being a busy bee I have been working and if I haven't been doing that then I haven't been feeling too positive about myself or I've been feeling ill, like today for example. I'm also posting this now because I'm once again going to disappear but only for a week, as I'm off to sunny Spain for a bit of a break before going back to some sort of routine at uni. Here we are! Harry Potter Studio Tour A couple of weeks ago my Dad and I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour near London but not quite London and as it's probably obvious I can't remember whereabouts it actually is. I've been once before on a school trip, but my Dad has never been so I bought him gift experience tickets for Christmas last year with the provision that he had to take me. We took our packed lunches (thanks Mumma G), hopped in Pedro the Pu...