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Recent Ramble

Hello Earthbugs,

This is a bit of a jumbled post to once again explain where I disappeared to, I'd say a lot has happened and in between being a busy bee I have been working and if I haven't been doing that then I haven't been feeling too positive about myself or I've been feeling ill, like today for example. I'm also posting this now because I'm once again going to disappear but only for a week, as I'm off to sunny Spain for a bit of a break before going back to some sort of routine at uni. Here we are!

Harry Potter Studio Tour

A couple of weeks ago my Dad and I went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour near London but not quite London and as it's probably obvious I can't remember whereabouts it actually is. I've been once before on a school trip, but my Dad has never been so I bought him gift experience tickets for Christmas last year with the provision that he had to take me. We took our packed lunches (thanks Mumma G), hopped in Pedro the Punto (thanks again Mumma G) and headed off down whatever road we went, I'd like to say the M1 but the truth is I have no clue, with the sound of my Dad complaining about every radio station that we could find as there was no AUX cable or CDs available. It was a long journey, however on the way back I did get the compliment of being a good co-pilot as I navigated us away from a lot of traffic.

At the tour it truly is as though you're stepping into some magical universe, obviously centred around the wonderful world of Harry Potter. It was an amazing day, I don't think I can pinpoint a favourite moment of it, but the little old lady in me did enjoy being able to wave my hand over a sensor and doing Mrs Weasley's knitting. I was quite surprised at how many children there were there given that they'd all gone back to school but it was all cool, until a couple of them kept pushing in front of me as I tried to run through the wall at Platform 9 3/4, so naturally I did the adult thing and raced the small child to the trolley, needless to say...I won. Probably not my finest hour but I bet they hadn't read all the books so, oh well. We had a wonderfully magical day and made lots of amazing memories and there's no one else I'd like to have shared it with. Oh and I got a Dobby badge!

I 110% recommend going there, although if you want to do every photo experience/buy quite a bit in the gift shop then definitely make sure you have enough money saved up to put a deposit down on a house because it can get quite pricey.


A Christmas present for me! My alright-at-times other half bought me an experience day where we got afternoon tea in a posh hotel and a river cruise in Stratford-upon-Avon because it's one of my favourite places. We learnt that we aren't very good at being prim and proper, Jack spilt tea all over the table, Jack nearly killed us on a rowing boat, finger sandwiches are very nice but I think I'd need maybe about 25+ to fill me up, oh and that if there's a stall selling pretty jewellery then I definitely cannot resist it but hey, I got a new ring to add to my ever growing collection so all is well.

I had a truly lovely day, it was nice and relaxing and I love being on the river and looking at all the big houses (maybe just not in a rowing boat being controlled by Jack), I fell even more in love with Stratford and have mentally decorated one of the houses there. We went into the Christmas shop which made me very, very happy as it was absolutely full of festive treats and smelt like Christmas which is basically just like a big, warm hug. I went into Shakespeare's Birthplace, the A-Level/GCSE English Literature student in me was very excited about that, I think I'll always be fond of Shakespeare but probably won't ever be incredibly fond of Othello as studying that at A-Level was similar to what I imagine it would be like to fall into a pit of fire with 300 cans of extremely flammable hairspray cans attached to you and being covered in petrol.

There was also lots and lots of ducks, and who doesn't love seeing ducks?

Arctic Monkeys

I have always said that I would sell limbs, rob a bank, do anything basically for a chance to see Arctic Monkeys, I've loved them for as long as I can remember and everytime something has gone crappy in my teenage years they've been my go to music wise to just listen to something. When the tour was announced in about April, I was originally planning on attempting to get tickets in a statistics workshop but then decided to focus all my attention on the mission in hand and instead skipped stats (sorry to my tutor, not going to lie I cannot remember your name) and as I sat in the silent study section of the library, actually doing work beforehand, I was ready. It was a very tense time and when I finally got through to the whole "order confirmed" page, I have to admit I let out a little bit of a scream.

As I type this right now, it still doesn't really feel real that I have seen Arctic Monkeys live and in Sheffield. It was incredible. They were absolutely incredible and everything I'd hoped they would be and I have definitely ticked off a big wish on my bucket list.

If you've followed my blog for a while then 1. thank you SO much, you're wonderful and I will happily buy you a cupcake and, 2. you'll know that rambles have present for some time but I kind of drifted away from them but I have quite enjoyed writing this so I'm going to introduce them a bit more.

Thank you as always for being patient with my blog, after my bit of a break we are back! I hope you're prepared :)

Until next time,

Lia x


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