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Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Hello Earthbugs!

I'm back and hopefully this upcoming year will be a lot better post wise than 2018, if I tell you the truth I don't really know what happened. Quite a few times during 2018 I felt all out of sorts and not really motivated to do anything, which for me is horrible because I thrive off having a goal to get and so on. Writing has always been a passion of mine and my blog allows me to have my own little space on the internet which I have always loved the idea of so 2019 is definitely the year that I attempt to throw myself back into blogging. I hope you're happy to come along on that journey with me!

I decided to combine the goodbye 2018 post and hello 2019 post instead of doing separate posts this time, so feel free to grab yourself a cup of tea or something stronger if you like and let's go.


I think I can safely say that 2018 hasn't been the year for my family, we have gone through a lot of battles and hard times and somehow come out of the other side. I'd say it's definitely made us stronger and we are ready for a fresh year with new possibilities. I'm not going to go into anymore detail about those struggles but I'm so proud of us.

On a personal level, I'm also proud of how I didn't give up on university. This time last year, I was so glad to not be at uni and I was struggling and I hated it. I wanted to drop out. I didn't want to go back for semester 2 because as far as I was concerned it was not worth it at all, but thanks to the encouragement of my Mum who said "stick it out until you've been there a year and then decide" so I stuck it out. Now, I'm half way through my degree and I don't hate it. I've thrown myself into a department rep role where I have to attend many meetings and use my own brain (terrifying, I know) and voice my opinions. All things that absolutely terrified me and I didn't think I'd be able to do, but I'm doing it. I have a wonderful set of friends who are truly brilliant people and I appreciate them so much and so far this year, I'm getting better grades than last year which makes me very happy. So well done Lia.

Another thing I've learnt is that when people show you their true colours, don't try and change them and hide them because you can't. Unfortunately people surprise you in ways that sometimes aren't what you expected and you learn the hard way what really matters to people. In some cases you just cut them off because you really don't need to deal with that and in other cases, you have to put those colours aside and be the bigger person because sometimes things aren't straight forward and people need you to be there. You can get angry, in fact you can get furious but you have to make a decision how you're going to deal with that and that's a difficult lesson I've learnt this year.

I've done some amazing things in 2018, let's start international... I've been to Halkidiki and let me tell you it's gorgeous there, I found a love of Greek food and even got told that my name was spelt right (NEVER HAPPENS), I've been to a beautiful wedding in Spain and made some brilliant memories and met new people and I've explore the Cologne Christmas markets and found more incredible food. On home turf: I've been to a murder mystery weekend with my Mum, toured the Harry Potter Studio Tours with my Dad, experienced Neighbourhood Weekender and Tramlines music festivals with my boyfriend, explored York and Stratford upon Avon, I've FINALLY seen Arctic Monkeys live, danced to Little Mix with my Mum, did the Sparkle Walk with some fab people, I did a marathon over the month of May for British Heart Foundation, attended a drive in cinema to watch Pretty Woman. But one of my favourite memories from this year is in July when my family went up to Blackpool to celebrate a family wedding and we were reunited with relatives from near and far and made some amazing memories. It's a weekend I'll treasure for a very long time.

I'm still learning that it's okay to not be motivated all the time, I'm still learning ways to battle procrastination, I'm still learning ways to battle personal issues that I'm not comfortable to discuss yet on my blog but I struggle with them a great deal. Overall, I'm a work in progress and going into 2019 with things I want to do and goals I want to achieve makes me happy and optimistic for the future.

The biggest thing I would say that I have learnt this year is that I am so horrible to myself. I would never every make any other being feel as terrible as I do myself and I feel like that's something that I definitely need to work on. I put myself under so much pressure to do a load of things that I don't end up doing in the time frame I've given myself and then I'm horrible and beat myself up (not physically obviously) about it for ages, and when I've done something its a constant "but you didn't do that". So I want to work really hard on improving my relationship with myself in 2019.

Onto 2019...

The main thing I need to work on is time management and then I can do many things, some of which include: being more creative and making pretty things, exploring new places near and far, cooking more, writing more.

I need to look after myself more in 2019. I'm not good with the whole self care thing and put myself under lots of pressure and think I can do everything without stopping. I cannot do that and definitely need to look after myself more.

I'd like to continue trying to help people as much as I can and use my voice to have my input on topics that are important and I'd like to spread the word of kindness and how we can all do our bit.

Oh, and I've signed up to do the Great North Run for Bowel Cancer UK so I shall be posting updates of how training and such goes for that!

I love a New Year and the view of a fresh start and 365 new opportunities so I can't wait to get started.

Happy New Year my lovelies! Let's make 2019 wonderful.

All my love,
Lia x


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