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Showing posts from June, 2015

Weekly Ramble #4

Hello Earthlings, Are you ready? I have news. Not like it is life changing news or anything but I'm going to tell you anyway. Why, you ask? Because it is a weekly ramble...I have no idea if you can sense this but if I was saying this face to face to you right now then I would probably have pig tails in, be jumping up and down and I'd resemble that really hyperactive girl on TV programs that everyone gets annoyed with. I don't even know. Anyway, back onto the news...I have got a summer job! It's only working in an office and it is only until September, but that's fine with me because I'll be starting sixth form then anyway. I went for an interview Monday, got offered the job on Wednesday and did my first day Thursday...busy bee. I'm enjoying having responsibility and I'm enjoying being treated like an adult, obviously I know I'm not because I'm still only 16, but I think that by the time it comes to me leaving this job I will have gained some va

Weekly Ramble #3

Hello Earthlings, The whole posting midweek thing didn't really work but come on, let's continue going with the flow. This week I don't really have a lot to ramble on about because I've basically sat on my bed all week and watched Pretty Little Liars, okay I never realised quite how addictive it is... I'm not ashamed to say that as soon as this is posted I will return to watching it. I'm also managing to find a way to reference the show at the most random times, I'm adding that onto my skills list (it currently only has one skill...touching my nose with my tongue is important, okay?!) Last night I was with cadets again, volunteering at the Sparkle Walk in aid of Ashgate Hospice, which is an independent registered charity that provides specialist palliative and end of life care and support to adults and their families across North Derbyshire. We were on basic volunteer duties: helping with registration, sorting the merchandise, refreshments and all th

Weekly Ramble #2

Hello Earthlings, I realise that this isn't a Sunday but I'm sure that we can live in some sort of universe where we read this and pretend it's Sunday...yes? I think that is a great idea so stop working for a bit, get yourself a cuppa and go for a good Sunday drive (not whilst you're drinking your tea or reading this post, I don't want to be responsible for any accidents). Although we're pretending it's Sunday, I'm going to switch to reality for a minute. It feels so weird that it's a Monday and I'm not at school, or getting ready to go into revision or for an exam or anything like that. It is so weird, but I like it.  In the spirit of a ramble I'm going to tell you a little story. I'm currently sat outside watching a little bug crawl around the table and it's little legs are having to crawl ten times faster than they usually would because it's body is moving too quickly for it. Now, I'm not sure what the little bug

Weekly Ramble #1

Greetings, You could kinda say that Blogger and myself are getting quite serious now. I have decided to make Sunday's blog posts a 'Weekly Ramble' which is just what it says on the tin, okay no tin involved but you understand (...I hope). This means that in one little blog post I will ramble on about everything that has happened during the week, well interesting things - I'll leave the dance parties out of it. I know what you're thinking, 'she doesn't have thaaat much of an interesting life' don't worry, I won't disagree but still let's hope it improves and then I'll actually have something to ramble on about instead of just me rambling about rambling. Okay, that made sense in my head. I have other blog posts that will be posted sometime in the week, maybe Wednesday, but I'm not starting that until next week when my exams are over. I feel like I have taken my relationship with Blogger to the next level now, it's official. I also