Hello Earthlings, I didn't post yesterday as I was tired and didn't want to publish a post full of nonsense, so anyway I was originally going to do a post about a day out in Liverpool and stick to my usual theme of cheeriness, but I couldn't ignore the big issue of homelessness and how much it upset me. I'm sure you are sat reading this post in a warm house, with warm clothes on, you've had a hot meal and you know that you're safe. There are so many people in our country who don't have any of that and simply sit on a street with merely a sleeping bag often losing hope. I didn't want to publish this post without doing some research. There are many reasons people become homeless, by looking on the Framework Housing Association I found these facts. For women the most common cause of becoming homeless is because of domestic violence, just take a minute and think how awful your life must be if packing up and leaving with no safe place to go is better...