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Showing posts from January, 2017

Help the Humans

Hello Earthlings, I didn't post yesterday as I was tired and didn't want to publish a post full of nonsense, so anyway I was originally going to do a post about a day out in Liverpool and stick to my usual theme of cheeriness, but I couldn't ignore the big issue of homelessness and how much it upset me.  I'm sure you are sat reading this post in a warm house, with warm clothes on, you've had a hot meal and you know that you're safe. There are so many people in our country who don't have any of that and simply sit on a street with merely a sleeping bag often losing hope.  I didn't want to publish this post without doing some research. There are many reasons people become homeless, by looking on the Framework Housing Association I found these facts. For women the most common cause of becoming homeless is because of domestic violence, just take a minute and think how awful your life must be if packing up and leaving with no safe place to go is better...

A glimpse into 2017

Hello Earthlings, No I am not going to read your palms and tell you what will happen to you in 2017, I am not a fortune teller or a Facebook quiz. Instead I'm going to give you a little insight into what you can expect from this little blog this year, this is a very spontaneous blog post that I thought of yesterday whilst doing psychology homework. How productive of me? So, as I sit here sending karaoke snapchats to Katie (Spice Girls if you're wondering) I quickly glanced at my total views and I'm super proud that I've reached 8,000. To most of you that will mean zilch but to me it is a massive deal because in reality I am just a weirdo who talks too much and spends 98% of her time looking angry even when I'm happy.  You may or may not have noticed that I have had a fancy makeover on my blog and I bloody love it. I personally think it makes it look like I know what I am doing, don't worry though that isn't the case. However, the result of my mini makeov...

Procrastination: The Productive Killer

Hello Earthlings, One of my New Years Resolution's is to procrastinate less which should lead to higher productivity. I find myself "quickly looking" at what is happening on any social media and it ends up being about half an hour and I even get to the point where I think "Oh, I've already read this I should turn it off now" but some little place in my brain ignores this and continues scrolling. It would be easy for me to say that I'm just going to delete them off my phone and just look when I am on my laptop but then I can't promote my blog as much as I want to so it is a case of striking the right balance.  In a bid to be more organised and general "getting my life sorted" I have invested in an "Important Documents" folder. I know, I know, I could easily just get a normal folder and put dividers in it and do it myself but the truth is, I have no idea what sections I'd need. Instead of being defeated and leaving my notes ...

Autumn Days

Hello Earthlings, I'd like to start by saying that I apologise for the two weeks I haven't posted, I've been super busy and I didn't want to write a post that would be a load of babble. I'd also like to add how overwhelmed I was by the response to my post about being an air cadet, I really hope it inspired at least someone. So, thank you to everyone who shared it and commented - it really meant a lot.  Now back to the point, I hope that as you saw the title Autumn Days you continued by singing "when the grass is jewelled and the silk inside a chestnut shell" and the rest obviously because I did. But I guess it's obvious as to what today's post is about, however in case it isn' is about autumn and a few things I love about it. Colours  The colours in autumn are so beautiful. It makes me so happy to go somewhere and see the trees changing from green to all the yellows, reds and oranges and then the leaves start falling to the...

The ATC: 4 years

Hello Earthlings, On 5th October 2016 it will be 4 years since I decided to join the Air Cadets and on 30th September 2016 I made the decision to leave, well actually that's a lie as it was my Mum (CI Mumma G) who made the decision as I am currently working two jobs and in my second year of A-Levels so in reality I don't have the time to be a good cadet nowadays but it was still a really difficult thing to do. I never really imagined it being difficult to leave cadets, as like many things you get older and gain different responsibilities and things have to change, so I had always accepted that really that's all it would ever be. In reality, it was so much more than that, as I started to put all my uniform into a bag I realised all that cadets has done for me and everything I have learnt from it and me being me, I cried. Which is a common theme as I appeared to do a lot of welling up and crying as Friday night progressed.  I'm now going to throw it back fully to 2012...

Shopping Finds

Hello Earthlings, This is a little bit different to what I would usually post - sure, I love to shop but I never really share anything I find on my blog. Well, that is changing...for today's post anyway. Today consisted of dragging Jack, aka my wonderful boyfriend/bag carrier, around Meadowhall with the intention of doing lots of Christmas shopping. Unfortunately I didn't do as much Christmas shopping as I would have liked because I just couldn't find anything that I really wanted to gift to anyone. Oh, and if you don't know what Meadowhall is, it's a big shopping centre in Sheffield and I know that many of you will say that it is probably too early to start Christmas shopping but in reality I started in August so ha ha, the joke is on you. Is it? Does that even make sense? I just don't know. Anyway, I managed to find some purchases that I loved so I decided to dedicate this week's blog post to them so that you lovely people can see them. Let us continue...

Back to School and September Goals

Hello Earthlings, In the upcoming week I shall be returning back to sixth form, as will many others into school and sixth form and university and whatnot, which is why I decided to write a post on the whole concept of going back to school. I'm looking forward too being back in a routine however I'm not so keen on the early mornings and actually going back to school - sleep sounds so much more appealing. But I am looking forward to the days getting more autumnal and of course, the build up to Christmas which is naturally a very exciting time. I thought I'd address some common back to school feelings, many people dread going back to school, and not just because of having to leave their bed, I have experienced this before and it just makes you feel really low because you have to spend so much time in one place surrounded by the same people day in day out. I don't advise you to get out of school, it is scary to think that in this day and age a lot of our future depends ...

End of Summer Catch Up

Hello Earthlings, One I know this post is late and last weeks was early but from this Sunday it will be back to normal and two please don't be upset with the title of this blog as I hate to tell all of you summer lovers but summer is nearing the end...well for 2016 anyway but saying summer 2017 seems a little bit too far away right now. I thought that I would take some time now to have a catch up, through the screens of our technical devices, before the new season is upon us. I have to say, I personally love the changing of the seasons, for any season not just for the end of the summer to the beginning of autumn but for all of them. I don't really have a favourite season because I love the perks of all of them; autumn means the leaves change colours and Halloween and Bonfire Night, winter means cold weather, cosiness, Christmas and New Year, spring means lighter nights, Easter and new life and summer means hot weather, relaxing and of course a lot of time off (well for now,...

Film Review: Finding Dory

The world's favourite forgetful fish has returned into our lives thirteen years after she made her first appearance in Finding Nemo. This lovable blue fish suffers from short term memory loss which has no doubt made you say "aww" in the past but will her disability become her strength in the quest to find her parents? Or will she just forget? To prevent this she enrols her trusty fish friends Nemo and Marlin to help her on her once in a lifetime adventure now she has been able to access some vital memories. But this emotional story really starts when she loses her friends and we witness the quest become so much bigger than originally planned as she hunts for her family and her friends hunt for her. Will they all find each other? Or will Dory forget why she started her pursuit? Ellen DeGeneres returns to voice Dory in her own personal adventure through the water, with Albert Brooks returning to be her sensible friend Marlin. However the effects of puberty means tha...

8 Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained

Hello Earthlings, I decided today to do a post about things to do during the summer holidays that aren't too expensive. I'm not sure if everyone has finished school yet as I know some people have but I am unfortunately still at school so I was just wondering but anyway, these are some good ideas to get up to during the summer holidays. 1. Picnic Now before you think, "oh well this is an obvious one" let's remember that picnics can be so much fun! You can do some baking before you go so you have some treats to take with you or you can have a themed picnic. Really, the possibilities are endless as there is honestly so many ways to make picnics so fun. Make sure you choose a great location too so you can play hide and seek or something afterwards.  2. Cinema All of the little people I know appear to love the cinema and I can't blame them, I mean there's some cracking kids films out there and let's not forget to mention that Friday 29th Jul...

De-Stress the Mess that is your head

Earthlings hello, Since it is getting to summer also known as exam hell that I would do a quick post on tips to de-stress as we all know that your head goes to mush and is pretty much useless for a while. This post of course isn't just for exam doers, you could be having a stressful time at work or whatever is getting you stressed we shall sort it out.  So as I like to advise before every post, let's get ourselves a cuppa and then continue - why not even add a biscuit to the mix? 1. Sleep There are two ways in which this could go, you could wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world or you could wake up feeling worse than you did before and just want to hide away from the world. I mean I am not really sure which one would happen but let's just assume it is the first option and then everyone can snooze away happily to Dreamland.  2. New Hobby Now I am in no way suggesting that you should just hop on a plane to somewhere hot and go diving wi...

May Favourites

Hello Earthlings, Okay, okay, okay I know I previously mentioned how I was hoping to start posting weekly again and then I disappeared off the face of the Earth and I didn't do it because I just thought "ahh I'll do it next week" and to tell the truth it is a really crappy acknowledgement of the fact that I have not been half as organised with my blog as I originally hoped to be this year but there's still time. I did have a few ideas but they were quite half-hearted and I wasn't prepared to post something that I wasn't fully happy with so I have got myself quite a few ideas and really thought hard about them so I can start posting regularly again.  The first of these new ideas for my blog is a "Favourites" post, today I am going to talk about a few favourites that I have had in the month of May. So let's pause this reading, get a cuppa and resume.  ALBUM: Even though this album only came out on the 27th May it is still a big favourit...

Dinner Party Guest List

Hello Earthlings, I would like to start by saying I hope that you have all had a lovely Easter weekend and spent it however you enjoy. Also, I was scrolling through a list of blog ideas a while back and found this, a list of 10 people you would invite for dinner. I am assuming that these people can be dead or alive so I pulled out my thinking cap, metaphorically of course, and realised it was actually quite difficult to come up with a concise list of people but here we go, I also decided to make 5 of my list real people and then the last 5 are fictional yet fab characters.  1. Elvis Presley This was a no-brainer, I don't think I have any real important reason as to why I would like to have dinner with Elvis other than the fact that I adore his music. 2. Emily Davison Emily Davison was one of the most famous Suffragette's and was the woman who threw herself in front of the King's Horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913, she died because of the injuries she sustained there. ...

Top Hats, Mamma Mia and Getting Lost?

Hey, hey, hey, As I look in my fancy 2016 planner it tells me that today's blog post should be a recipe post and I had full intentions of doing that. I even baked a fancy cake yesterday to make it all fab and official but let's just say that the cake did not want to co-operate. It had nothing to do with the fact that I may have put the oven on slightly too hot, nearly forgot to add the eggs and compromised some ingredients that I forgot to get on my trip to Tesco's...but other than that it went fine, the cake just didn't want to be nice and proceeded to burn until it resembled a big lump of charcoal. So, yes I can admit that I am nearly 17 years old and I cannot bake a cake. So I decided to do a reflection on when I went to London with my Mum last year, we had decided to go just to be tourists because I hadn't seen anything like Buckingham Palace apart from on the television which was kind of sad because I have lived in England all my life. Anyway, about a week ...