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First Ramble of 2017

Hello Earthlings,

For today's post I thought I would throw it back to the good old days of rambles, to tell you the truth I thought I would do this post now as the next three and a bit months are just going to be full of me revising to have half a chance of getting the grades I need for university. But away from all that stress, let's get a cup of tea or something stronger if you wish and let's catch up.

I've decided to start the whole being healthy thing again, I've said this several times, but I do intend on sticking with it this time. I may have a slight blip for Easter...slight. But I mean it would be ideal to walk up stairs and not feel like passing out at the top so be prepared for the celebration when I actually manage to do something that is fitness related and I don't feel like I'm going to run out of oxygen. 

Today is kind of a chill day, minus school work, and I'm just preparing a lot of things mainly lists because I mean who doesn't enjoy writing a good list? A lot of the things that I'm preparing today will feature on my blog later in the year which I personally think is pretty exciting. Many of the lists are also helping me to be organised for my exciting trips this year so I mean all in all I am on some kind of one woman mission to be the most organised I could possibly be. I scared myself yesterday as I had already started thinking of Blogmas posts, is that just incredibly organised or just a little bit sad? 

I'll tell you what I really want to go and see and this is probably pretty generic and more than likely what a lot of us want to go and see, but Beauty and the Beast. It looks amazing and so far I have heard really good comments about it. I did see something on Facebook though which made me feel quite old, that the generation of kids going to see Beauty and the Beast will know Emma Watson as Belle and not Hermione. This made me feel particularly old as Hermione, Ron and Harry have always been a massive part of my childhood (I have probably mentioned that several times within my little internet space) and I don't know, I guess I always thought that other kids will grow up automatically read the books and watch the films but that may not be the case and that makes me sad. 

I shall leave you with a little quote that I found here :)
Until next week,
Lia x 


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