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Albufeira's Old Town

Hello Earthlings,

First things first, I want to do a couple of PSAs as I'm aware my blog has been all over the place and not really there recently and I can clear this up for you. Blogging is still something I'm very much interested and I love having my little space on this internet and I'm so grateful that you're reading this right now because recently there's been little to no content. The main reason for this is that my laptop has decided it no longer wants to work properly so I'm currently in the process of trying to transfer all my files onto memory sticks so I can sort a new laptop out which is taking a very long time. How frustrating? So, I'm currently borrowing my Mum's laptop to write this on whilst we get all sorted. This will also be posted on Thursday, even though my posting day has been Sunday for a long time. I decided to shake it up a bit as I hope to develop my blog into something a little more relevant to me. Sunday has always been the day I've posted because I thought it's a nice little read to end the weekend and start the new week off but Thursday is a bit like a "hey it's nearly Friday have a bit of encouragement from a small, clumsy human rambling about whatever". Now we have that cleared up, I shall continue...

I'm currently sat in the spare room, with the heating on, with the rain pouring down outside. Sounds rather cosy for autumn doesn't it? Ha, well it is August and summer, I know, summer has decided not to really happen this year so I'll let you live vicariously through this post to enjoy this wonderful little place.

To look at the buildings of Albufeira's Old Town they still have the characteristics from when it was simply a fishing village, where it stood on cliffs above the beach and had white washed buildings and narrow streets. Something very familiar that adds a sense of history to the treasure trove that is the Old Town.

Our hotel did a free shuttle bus service to the Old Town so we hopped on board to go and explore it wasn't until later in the holiday we realised that it was actually a short walk to the Old Town along the beach. Me being me, wore a long dress the evening we did the walk and the sun was very hot this day and I was rather warm. If you take a look down the streets of the Old Town a cynic would probably assume that once you had ventured into one shop, you'd practically visited them all but there were so many hidden gems and beautiful places selling unique gifts that I could have spent all my money there. 

Stalls sold bespoke jewelry for reasonable prices and the stall holders genuinely seemed interested in making sure you bought the best one you could find, instead of just being interested in taking your money. Clothing shops sell comfy boho style garments, of which the trousers are by far the comfiest I have ever owned. Of course, there's your souvenir shops with magnets and traditional gifts but I really recommend delving deeper into the shops to find the gems. 

All this shopping can sometimes be a little exhausting so naturally there's plenty of bars dotted around and coffee shops, selling amazing ice cream I'll add, or if you're a bit more peckish than that you can sample one of the many restaurants that are available. 

The beauty of this place is that it is a town where you can shop and whatnot, just like you'd get at home but it is also a very short walk to the beach. Admittedly it is one of the popular places on the beach but there's all the water activities close by and the cave tours and looking for dolphins leave from here. It is a very special little place. 

I thoroughly recommend you go, I'm obviously in need of more bespoke jewelry so will be returning, but in the meantime I do suggest trying the Ferrero Rocher ice cream!

Until next week,

Lia x 


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